Contributor Page


 I am the founder and President of AsiAfrica Ministries, Inc., a non-profit charity developed to assist impoverished pastors, evangelists, and missionaries in East Africa and South Asia. My doctoral thesis was on “The mediation of Jesus Christ in the scientific theology of T.F. Torrance.” My favorite theologians are Karl Barth, T.F. Torrance, N.T. Wright, Gregory A. Boyd, Colin Gunton, George Hunsinger, and Donald Bloesch. I am a writer, guitarist, and artist. I enjoy speaking in various churches on topics related to the Trinitarian love of God revealed in Jesus Christ.

Contact me at [email protected].

Posted Materials

T.F. Torrance: The Vicarious Humanity of Jesus Christ, pt. 1

The vicarious humanity of Jesus Christ represents one of the most profound theological insights presented by T.F. Torrance. This article explores…